Curren Environmental, Inc. (Curren) has over 25 years experience with the removal of inground hydraulic lifts.
Hydraulic lifts, both above and below ground are pressurized vessels that contain hydraulic oils that can become potential environmental hazards when the lifts lose integrity and leak oil into the subsurface soils. While most regulatory agencies do not regulate underground hydraulic lifts, Phase I Environmental Site Assessments (ESA's) do evaluate for the presence of hydraulic lifts as the lifts are Areas of Concern (AOC).
Curren also performs testing of inground hydraulic lifts by obtaining soil samples from around both in service and out of service hydraulic lifts.
The general procedures followed for a lift closure are as follows:
Excavating overburden concrete and soils surrounding the lift.
Extracting remaining hydraulic oil from the lift or cylinder.
- After hydraulic lift (cylinder) removal site assessment soil samples can be obtained to document that the hydraulic fluid did not discharge.
Backfilling and compacting the hydraulic lift excavation with a certified clean fill material.
Transporting both the waste hydraulic oil and the scrap lift to a recycling facility.
Restoring the area disturbed by the lift removal with a reinforced layer of concrete.