Curren Environmental has been solving tank related issues for over 20 years. Oil tanks were like cell phones, they were ubiquitous in homes in the Northeastern United States. Oil was king as the graph shows:
Oil heat was more popular than natural gas up until 1980!
In 1950 43.9% of homes had oil heat
In 1960 62.9% of homes had oil heat
In 1970 52.6% of homes had oil heat
So in 2019, what are the odds the home your buying has or had an oil tank? Pretty high for sure.
Tank Scans with GPR = Buyer Due Diligence
A tank scan found this tank. You can see from the many holes in the tank, that the tank leaked. Thankfully the home buyer had a tank sweep completed and found the tank. The homeowner had to remove and remediate the oil tank.