Lead-Based Paint Inspections in Rental Dwelling Units as per P.L. 2021, c. 182 aka New Jersey's Lead Safe Law July 2022
What New Landlords need to Know
July 22, 2022, New Jersey’s newest lead-based paint law is now in effect and the law affects all pre 1978 rental properties. The law is being referred to as New Jersey’s Lead Safe Certification and requires rental property owners to complete a lead paint inspection. The inspection is either visual or visual and wipe sampling depending on the municipality.
What landlords need to know
The New Jersey lead law requires that the landlord of residential properties (apartments, houses, duplexes, etc.) hire a certified lead evaluation contractor to perform inspection on target properties single family, two-family and multiple rental dwellings for lead-based paint hazards every three years. The first inspection must be completed by July 22, 2022, or at tenant turnover if that occurs prior to July 22, 2024.
If your rental property has not had lead testing performed previously and you would have obtained a Lead-Free certification, then you are to assume lead paint is present and have the lead paint inspection performed. In short if you don’t have paperwork stating the building has no lead paint you must perform the required inspections.
Curren Environmental offers lead based paint risk assessments and lead based paint inspections for NJ property owners.
Visual Lead Safe Certification: The Curren certified lead inspector will perform a visual inspection of all interior areas of the rental unit, looking for deteriorated paint. New Jersey considers deteriorated paint to be chipping, peeling or flacking paint. If no deteriorated paint is found the rental unit owner can receive a Lead Safe Certificate which is good for 2 years.
For example, one of the photos below would pass the lead safe inspection, the other would not.
Dust Wipe Testing for Lead Safe Certification: The Curren certified lead inspector will perform a visual inspection of all interior areas of the rental unit AND obtain dust wipe samples for laboratory analysis. If no lead is found by the analysis above government standards, the rental unit owner can receive a Lead Safe Certificate which is good for 2 years.
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