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How long does a Phase I ESA take?

Jan 9, 2025 10:45:00 AM / by David C Sulock

Phase I Environmental Site Assessments (ESAs) are typically completed within a 2 to 4-week period. However, the duration can extend if the property has a complex history or if the consultant encounters any challenges during the assessment process.

A Phase I ESA is generally considered valid for one (1) year from the completion date, according to ASTM standards E1527-13 and E1527-21. It's important to note that regulations may vary by state and municipality, with some jurisdictions recognizing a Phase I as valid for only 180 days.

IMG_7543The typical timeline for a Phase I ESA is two (2) to four (4) weeks. At Curren, we purchase historical records, which we usually receive within a week. When requesting public records (under the Open Public Records Act, or OPRA) from local towns or counties, we can expect a response within up to seven (7) business days. In New Jersey, for example, the law stipulates that a government agency must respond to an OPRA request no later than seven (7) business days after receiving it. Requests sent via email usually result in faster responses than those sent via mail. Day 1 of the response time starts the day after the custodian receives the request.

We initiate the owner interview and questionnaire a few days after we receive the records to ensure progress. This step is essential, as it helps us understand what the owner knows or is willing to share about the property’s history and operations. If the owner conducted a Phase I assessment when they acquired the property, we will request that report and include it in our research.

We aim to conduct a site walk within a week of receiving authorization to proceed. Ideally, the owner would have met with us for an interview, provided any old reports, and completed our questionnaire, which would allow us to be well-informed about the property before the site walk.

By day 10 (or two weeks in), we should have all necessary research and government records to compile the report. During the third week, we draft, review, and send the report to the client in an ideal scenario.

In less than ideal situations, the timelines can be extended due to various factors, such as:

- The owner not providing access to the property

- The owner declining to participate in an interview

- The owner failing to complete the questionnaire

- Delays from the government in processing our records requests

Any of these scenarios can delay the final report. A complete Phase I must adhere to ASTM standards, which require that all aspects be thoroughly addressed. Some consultants may rush an incomplete Phase I to meet a client’s deadline and offer a caveat that any missing information will be provided in an addendum report; however, this creates significant data gaps.

At Curren, we prefer not to issue a report that does not fully comply with ASTM standards, as that would render the Phase I incomplete. This is why we provide a range of time for report completion. The Phase I process and timelines stated here should be standard across any company performing these assessments.

Phase I Questions?


Topics: Phase I, AAI All Appropriate Inquiries, Due Diligence, Phase I ESA, ASTM E1527-21

David C Sulock

Written by David C Sulock

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