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GPR advantages when performing tank sweeps.

Nov 12, 2024 11:30:00 AM / by David C Sulock

On the most simple level, GPR oil tank sweeps use technology that costs tens of thousands of dollars.  For that price, you get far more advanced technology than a simple metal detector.   A GPR signal will bounce off metal in the ground, a metal detector will beep at any metal in the ground, and you rub if you do not know the metal object.

Oil tank sweeps are among the most popular environmental inspections when purchasing real estate.   The term "oil tank sweep" is often used generically to include any walking inspection of a property with a metal detector. For example, when you are mining you go to the beach,  with a hobbyist metal detector is typically used to locate metal objects in the ground. You are recycling as most hobbyist treasure hunters dig up bottle caps and discharge metal debris, rather than finding Rolex watches.

metal detector tank sweep limitationsThis photo shows an underground oil tank found with a metal detector that runs perpendicular to the driveway. The tank sweep company said the oil tank runs under the concrete driveway.  But when the oil tank was removed, Curren Environmental found the underground oil tank to run parallel to the driveway, not under it. What is the difference?   About $1,200 in the concrete restoration was not needed a cost burden for the person who hired the tank sweep company who only used a metal detector. 

GPR advantages when performing tank sweeps.Ground Penetrating Radar or GPR is like sonar, where a signal is sent into the ground and buried media will reflect or ping the signal back to the GPR unit providing an image of the buried object. GPR units are tens of thousands of dollars more expensive than metal detectors, but they are 100% more effective in locating buried objects.   The technology has been used for decades to define and locate buried structures, utilities, graves, hidden gold, and pretty much anything in the ground with density.

GPR oil tank sweeps are always a couple of hundred dollars more than a metal detector but are 100% more thorough.    Remember you get what you pay for - cheap price = low-quality service.

Why do people use a $1,000 metal detector for a tank sweep?

Because it's cheap and people do not know any better.

Oil tank sweep companies that use metal detectors have a low cost of entry into the business ($1,000), work out of their house, and hold minimal insurance for oil tank sweeps where they miss a tank, miss mark what they thought were a tank, etc. 

GPR tank sweeps are better than metal detectors

GPR units are costly equipment and licenses to remove tanks, but doing both makes the company more qualified to perform oil tank sweeps.

At Curren Environmental, we have been removing and locating oil tanks for close to 30 years, a lot of experience has been gained across that time and we learned long ago metal detectors are best not relied upon, that is why 100% of residential and commercial oil tank sweeps are completed with GPR.   We also have an intensive training program for technicians requiring them to work on oil tank removal projects, so they understand what to look for when performing tank sweeps.   The below photos each have three historical markers that oil heat was present, if you don't know what you are looking at, you would never know there was oil tank present on the property. 

NJ PA DE oil tank sweep  Best GPR tank sweep

Tank Sweep & Removal Experts 856-858-9509


David C Sulock

Written by David C Sulock

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